My Why

I have to say, getting a business off the ground is a lot harder than it seems these days!

I have been a Teachers Pay Teachers seller for like 6 years now, and this is the year that I am finally getting serious about things. In the
last year, I have made almost as much as I did in my first five years on TPT. All of this due to the fact that I am putting in more effort.

Now, where does a teacher who teaches and plans 6 different preps a day and has 2 children get the time to put in more effort?

The very real answer is that I don’t. I blatantly don’t have time for much of anything, but I am embracing the chaos of venturing out into what Alissa McDonald calls the “Teacher Side Hustle” because really, my educational joy doesn’t always come from standing in front of a group of teenagers and hoping that they can somehow understand symbolism in the next week.

I get so much joy and energy from creation. Creation of curriculum, or content to help other teachers, or cool images, or that awesome Prezi. Whatever it is, the creation is the thing that drives me.

This doesn’t mean I am getting out of the classroom tomorrow, or even at the end of this school year, but I know I won’t be in the classroom until I retire. I am just not that teacher, and that is totally okay!

So, that is why I am here. I am setting myself up for that day when I can finally step away from the dry-erase board and set myself up for something new and different. I plan to learn from a lot of other people who have completed this journey before me and I truly hope to make them proud!

Be Good! 
Mama Eggs


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