No more “Request for Access” emails!

So, I have been working in Google for a long time and I have both Level 1 and Level 2 certification, so there are some things that I do that I don’t realize are unknown to others. That was the case with this little trick.

I was leading a Google Drive Refresher last week (didn’t realize I was leading it until the day of BTW) and I quickly showed them the trick below and they legit gasped in my classroom and then made me show them again like 4 times.

This trick works with basically all Google apps like sheets, docs, and slides and allows you to share a document and force the student (or anyone else) to make a copy. I have had so many of those “Request for access” emails or have had to explain how to make a copy more times than I care to think about. This will get around all of that and save you so many headaches! Take a look at the video below for how to do it!

If you are like me and struggle to sit through a video, here are some step-by-step directions with pictures that you can quickly skim and implement immediately!

Step 1: Get the shareable link for the Google file that you want students to make a copy of.

Step 2: Then go to your LMS or wherever you are pasting the link for students and others to access. Paste the link where you normally would.

Go the end of the link and delete everything after the last backslash (/).

Step 3: Type the word “copy” after that last backslash (/).

Now, when students click on the link it will take them directly to a page that forces them to make a copy of the document. I have been listing out the directions on how to make a copy for years! My fingers will be happy to have less typing now!

Let me know what other things plague your inbox and your teacher lives! I love coming up with ways to help you make your lives easier!

Be Good!
Mama Eggs


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